Summarizing Life

Einstein used to say that mathematical theories were ineffective if you couldn’t explain the theory in pictures to a small child. In order to understand things one needs to bring things into a comprehensible order… one needs to understand the principles.

Summarizing life is a massive task, and there are so many things to consider that it is probably futile to try to summarize it in its entirety, but it’s fun to try and we can definitely uncover some massive underlying principles that can give us much direction and clarity. So without further ado let’s try to summarize the essintials of life into one blog post.

1. Silence is the key to constant inner peace, happiness, and liberation

This one is a big one. Massive. Silence. Why is silence so vital? The only way to answer this is to go deep. The first thing you have to realize is that the underlying nature of reality is energy. Deeper than your cells, deeper than your DNA, is energy. Energy is basically the vibration of matter, the vibrations of existence. Underneath, you are energy and everything around you is energy.

The second thing you have to realize is that the nature of nature is one of balance and harmony. You are a part of nature. Therefore the nature of your nature is to be balanced and in harmony. Being in a state of constant stress, anxiety and worry is not natural. Being constantly unhappy, feeling disempowered, feeling incomplete and “less than”, all these things are unnatural.

So the obvious solution is you must return to your nature. Now how do we do that? Well remembering our first point we understand that what we are underneath is energy. Now the thing about energy is that energy is not solid, its not fixed. It’s changeable. It’s transformable. And remembering our second point we understand that the nature of our nature is to be in balance and harmony.

So all we have to do is change and transform our energy back to our natural form. All we have to do is neutralize our negativity, our ego and our natural energy of balance and harmony will be revealed. It’s already there, it is our nature.

Silence is the key to constant peace, happiness and liberation because once you silence your negative energy, your negative mind and beliefs; peace, happiness and liberation naturally are revealed.

Peace, happiness and liberation are your nature. Silence is the key to get you there.

2. Self-Discipline and Virtue are the keys to a stable and fruitful life

The reason why self-discipline and virtue are the keys to a stable and fruitful life has to do with the understandings we brought up in the first point: everything is energy and energy is changeable.

Energy is changeable also means that energy is “influenceable”. The world around you influences you. Constantly. That is not necessarily a problem, the problem is that the world is aligned with egotistical energies and behaviours. So you are constantly being influenced in a way to take you out of your natural peace, balance and harmony.

You are constantly being influenced by the ego’s of the whole world around you. People are trying to compete and subjugate you, people are blaming you, people lash out at you, corporations are trying to manipulate you, make you feel incomplete without their products, trying to hold an authority over you. Society is trying to get you to conform, your parents are trying to control your destiny etc etc, do you get the picture?

What’s going to save you from this bombardment? I’ll tell you what, self-discipline and virtue will. Self-Discipline is the abilty to be in charge of your own behaviour and energy. Virtues are positive attitudes and character traits. In order to have a stable and fruitful life you have to maintain the quality of your energy and life with self-discipline and virtue. You must maintain your peace, happiness and liberation by constantly silencing all negativity and developing positive energy traits. The main positive energy traits you should develop to begin with would be courage, self-belief, faith, humbleness, kindness and respect.

If you fully embody these traits and energies do you wanna know how you are going to be feeling? I’ll give you a tip: pretty damn good. And if you employ self-discipline you will create an ongoing stability in your life. And lastly, if you keep treating everybody and everything around you with courage, humbleness, kindness and respect, what are you going to get in return? A fruitful life.

3. To find a good partner in life, be a good partner and know what to look for

Everything is energy and like energy attracts. So to find a good partner you better become a good partner. So basically, forget about finding a partner and first become happy with yourself. Work on yourself. Work on your issues. Develop your character. Develop Courage, Self-Belief, Faith, Humbleness, Kindness and Respect. Be a good person. Get your shit together. When you are happy and don’t really need anyone, that’s when you’re probably more ready than ever to find someone of worth.

What’s the number 1 thing to look for in another person? Easy, heart. Hands down. You want to find someone with a good, pure heart. And by that I don’t mean someone dysfunctional who, deep down, somewhere, has an amazing heart. No, we are not a charity case here. I’m talking about someone who is relatively firmly grounded in their heart. It’s part of who they are and how they live. They don’t have to be perfect, no one is. But if they have a good heart then all the other BS disappears; manipulation, games of power and control etc etc. Also, the more heart they have, the more they can stand up to the system and the egotistical ways of humanity. That’s vital.

So to find a quality person you have to become a quality person and look for a good heart.

4. What you do for money should be based on your strengths, natural talents, passions, values and interests

Money and spirituality is often a controversial topic. Here’s my view on it: Money Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With Your Happiness, Sense Of Self-Respect, And Self-Acceptance. Money Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With Being A “Successful” Person.

I believe that life is a mystical experience, that the entire universe is within you, and that the eternal and infinite force dwells within each individual. So what’s money gonna do for my happiness levels? How can money compare to the feeling of being connected to everything? It can’t. BUT, humans have created a financial system that overrides basically the entire planet. At least the parts that are habitable. So you need money to survive. And money in and of itself is neither good or bad. It’s just money, it’s neutral. So having money is not bad, it’s a necessity. And having more money is not bad, it’s preferrable. The more money you have the more fun stuff you can do. The more you can nourish yourself and your loved ones. So, in a way, money can contribute to your happiness, it can enhance it, but it can’t be the source of it.

So now that we know that you need money in this world and money ain’t necessarily bad, what should you do for money? Well the thing is, if you develop your energy, if you become happy, self-loving, and free as your natural state, a lot of jobs that are attractive to others will become unattractive to you. That’s because a lot of people choose jobs and professions based on an ego high that that job will give them in the form of security and importance. But if you’re already connected to the eternal spirit of things and already happy and loved up, you won’t need those things and so you’ll tend to look at the actual experience and quality of energy surrounding that job.

For example, let’s take a look at being a dentist. Many people may be attracted to the idea of being a dentist. The pay is relatively good, it has a nice title to hide behind amongst society, and most of the opposite sex will be relatively attracted to and open to this job title. Great. But if you don’t need security, don’t care what society thinks of you, and don’t want a partner who is looking for a title, then maybe spending an entire life peering into and sniffing peoples smelly mouths day after day suddenly isn’t so appealing.

Now obviously no offence to any dentists. If your intention is to find something to do that serves humanity in some way and you want to be a dentist Absolutely No Disrespect but do you see my point here?

Your happiness, love and freedom you already have. You’re not going to find the essence of these things in a job or in money. So logically, you want to find a way of making money that supports your already happy energy and if you’re lucky, even enhances it.

To do this you must find a job that is in line with who you are. A job that is based on your strengths, skills, talents, passions, life values, interests and likes/loves. This is actually not that easy. Because again, most of the jobs in the world are for our ego based society. So you must be creative and take an active role in finding out what to do for money. The more it is based on your strengths, passions, interests, likes/loves and values the more it will support and be in line with your energy.

5. In order for you to do step 4 well, you have to be very very good at what you do

If you are going to carve out your own path with money and make money align to your life rather than the other way around, then you will have to be very very good at what you do. That means: it takes time.

The marketplace of life is hyper competitive. People are obsessed with money. Their little egos are attached to it. Without it, they would whither and die lol. This is the kind of intensity that surrounds peoples quest for money. So in order for what you do to stand out and have a chance. It has to be powerful. This means whatever you choose to do you have to be very very good at it. You can’t get good at things overnight. It takes time. A lot more time than the ego would like to entertain. I’m definitely talking years here. So what does that mean? It means you bloody well better like what you are doing or find some deep purpose in it. Otherwise who wants to spend years doing something they don’t want to do?

The best thing is to first develop your energy and just do what you want to do in life. Follow your wild heart. Life is a mystical journey – a series of stepping stones. Jobs are energies. Some jobs have better energies than others. The minimum goal you should be searching for is a job that at least supports your energy. The maximum goal is to ultimately love what you do for money. But remember, the universe cannot be constrained by money. Be bigger than money. Stay bigger than money.

6. To have a life of meaning and purpose you have to follow paths with heart in life

Next is the question of directions and paths. Life has many many paths. Which ones will you take? Which ones lead to a good ending?

The paths you want to take in life are paths with heart. Why is that? Well paths with heart have energy in them. They are energizing because they are meaningful, or joyful or full of growth. There is always some positive factor to a path of heart that makes it energizing.

A path with no heart has no meaning. It’s pointless. And at the end of the day, will only drain your energy. You want to pick paths in life that speak to your heart in some way. Your heart has to be in it for some reason. If you do that you’ll always be happy with the path you have taken and you’ll always have the energy and the reasons to keep going.

So in terms of which directions and paths you should take in life, ask yourself: Does this path have a heart? Is it meaningful in some way? Does it bring you joy? Do you even like it?

If you don’t like the path you’re taking anymore, then change, find a new one.

Always walk down paths with heart in life and you will always be happy with your decisions.

7. At the end of the day, the quality of your energy determines the quality of your life experience

At the end of the day, as cliche as it sounds, your happiness truly does come from within. You have to understand that the reason for this is a transcendental and mystical one. It is not logical. The fact of the matter is that you are a transcendental, multi-dimensional being. There are layers to who you are. Deep down, there is a source of eternal and infinite energy. When you are connected to it, all suffering ceases to exist. All human issues cease to exist. All egoic cravings cease to exist.

There are no more problems, no more insecurities, no more lack. You are left with an emptiness that feels incredibly full. It is a completeness. You can’t be complete and incomplete at the same time. When you are complete, you are complete. And from this point of view you look at all this human commotion, all this hustle and bustle for material things and titles of importance, and you realize how incredibly unnecessary it all is. Because you are already full… whole… it cannot be topped. Whole is whole.

When you understand this, life becomes an interesting journey and your next challenge is to maintain and strengthen this connection against the howling winds of the world ego all around you.

Remember, what is within you is strong, the ego is weak.

About the author

10+ years in the metaphysical trenches.
Human Development and Human Liberation.