Theta Meditation

Theta meditation is one of the best ways to help you reach a meditative state, especially if your struggling due to being too busy, undisciplined or too stressed. Not only that, if you’re an avid meditator or alternative thinker you can actually use it to access deeper states of being and to travel your inner domains.

So what exactly is theta meditation?

Theta meditation is just meditation that takes you to the theta brainwave state.

Going back to my younger days in psychology class, there are five main brainwave States: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma.

Your brain kind of shifts through different types of brain waves when it is performing different functions.

Delta waves oscillate with a frequency of between 0.5 and 4 Hertz and are usually associated with deep sleep.

Theta waves oscillate with a frequency of between 4 to 7 and is often associated with this meditative, drowsy, dreamy, slightly sleeping but not deep sleep state (this is the state we want to tap into as this is the closest thing to the meditative state).

Alpha waves are associated with wakeful relaxation, Beta waves are associated with normal waking consciousness and Gamma waves are associated with large-scale brainwave activity and cognitive phenomena such as memory, attention and perception. Gamma waves are also an interesting brainwave state.

Now that we got our psychology refresher out of the way let’s remember what we’ve learnt here: the Theta brainwave state is the brainwave state that is scientifically associated with meditation and these deeper states of consciousness.

Great. Now that we’ve understood that, how do we reach it? Well I’m glad you asked.

One way we can reach it is through the use of metronomes. A metronome is a device that produces an audible click or beep or some other sound at a regular interval that can be set by the user.

A Theta metronome is a specific frequency of clicks or beats per second that has the effect of slowing the user’s brainwaves down into a Theta state, aka the meditative state.

Viola. Meditation done for you. Pretty cool, right?

What’s interesting is that ancient cultures have used the same techniques to induce deeper state of consciousness for decades if not centuries. For example it is well-known that the native American Indians used the beating of a drum to a similar tempo for healing and spiritual purposes.

So not only is it scientifically proven to take you to a meditative state it has already been used for such purposes by ancient cultures for who knows how long.

End result: Theta meditation works. Especially in our busy “don’t have time” “can’t be stuffed” environment.

Recently I worked with a producer to create two audio tracks one could use to go into the Theta state. They’re called Straight Theta and Transcendent Theta.

Transcendent Theta

Transcendent Theta is great for beginners but also for the experienced. It combines the Theta Metronome frequency with beautiful meditative music to create a powerful combination. Otherworldly. This is one of the best meditation tracks of its type I’ve ever heard so I’m really thrilled to offer it here.

Check out a sample below, and to purchase click here.

Straight Theta

Straight Theta is exactly as the name suggest, it is the Theta Metronome frequency without any accompanying music.

Straight Theta is what I would recommend if you want to use the theta frequency to travel your inner domains. Why? Well there is no other influence other than the metronome, so you are really journeying with your own energy and consciousness.

If your interested, check out the sample below, and to purchase click here.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post on Theta Meditation. Remember, silence is key and the best way to understand silence is with meditation.

Take care, Joseph.

About the author

10+ years in the metaphysical trenches.
Human Development and Human Liberation.