Take To The Journey

Here’s another series of posts I put up on my Instagram covering the theme “Take To The Journey”. It was done in a what, where, how, why, when format… mixing it up. Check it out.


What is the journey? The journey is simply the journey of life. It is simply the journey of you, in a human body, doing “life on earth”. Nice one numbnuts but aren’t we all already on the journey? Well yes, and no. The journey I’m talking about is the natural evolution of your soul, energy and human experience. I’m talking about the natural journey of fulfilling the souls needs and desires. You know, the development of courage, faith, and the ability to love. The understanding of having a nature connection and of the relationship between you and the reality you attract. I’m talking about personal rites of initiation… of love, romance and the understanding of the opposite sex. I’m talking about travel and the exploration of the planet you are on. I’m talking about the creation of happy memories… laughter and joy shared with family, friends and strangers. I’m talking about service. I’m talking about the things you really came here to do.

The common journey of school, university, job, marriage and kids, mortgage, pension, retirement is an artificial journey. What kind of a journey is that? Who wants that kind of a journey? And how did we get conned into thinking this was normal? No, the journey is something more, resonating from deep within. It is unique to you, so only you can unfold it. You’re already on the journey… You’ve been thrown into the sea… Might as well swim.


Obviously the journey of life is an inner and outer thing. But the crux of it, the “meat and bones” of it is an inner thing (I don’t eat meat btw haha). It’s f*cking fantastic. With all the chaos and confusion in the world, with all the hostility, restriction, selfishness and blocked paths, there is one path that is always open to you. And it’s the path that bears the most fruit. That leads to true understanding. It’s you.

Within you are the keys. You are the “escape route”. There’s no need to run away from anything because what you want is following you where ever you go. It’s just in the stuff that you are made of. It’s called nature. Understand your nature. This is where the journey begins. Understanding your inner nature leads to everything else.


When should one take to the journey? That’s easy: now. Why? Because most things in life worth doing aren’t necessarily easy. That’s why we like to put it off. The only real way to break procrastination and delay is to just jump right in and do. Break procrastination with spontaneous action.

A large part of one’s journey at the beginning is aligning to one’s higher self. The higher self is just a faster vibrational version of you. It’s a consciousness and awareness based in the now. So if you want to align to your higher self, start by getting yourself into the now. When? Now.

You can’t get into the now, later. Later is just another now, of which you are procrastinating to another later. You can’t get into the now from the past. It’s gone, so just forget about it. Do stuff now. Do the stuff you are supposed to do now. Get into the now, now.


Why would you take to the journey? Let’s take a look at a few reasons.

1. Understanding reality. The journey is the journey from ego to spirit. By spirit, I mean energy. Energy is the essence of things. Energy is the intangible. It is the non-physical that gives rise to the physical. To not understand energy is basically to not understand what you are doing and what’s really going on in the world. That’s why humans can destroy an entire planet and have no real idea how to stop or reverse what they’re doing. This my friends, is called ignorance hehe. Don’t be ignorant.

2. Caring for yourself. When you understand energy you can understand the transformational nature of energy and the manifesting nature of energy. When you can understand these two principles you can take care of the quality of your life in the now and the quality of your life path and flow. Happy now, happy later. Sound good?

3. Being of service. Let’s be honest, the world’s messed up. Yes there’s plenty of good things but taken as a whole, there’s a lot of pain. You cannot change the world but you can change yourself. The more you heal your energy and the more you develop your light, the more that energy and light can naturally touch the world and gently affect it. A little kindness here, a little courage there, a little oxygen here, a little sunlight there. In this way at least, can you be of service.

There’s plenty more reasons: connection, fulfillment of potential, exploration of consciousness etc etc but these are a few. Why should you take to the journey? Because to take to the journey is to return to being a real human. Sounds kinda important, doesn’t it?


There are many paths to the top of the mountain. The deepest level of reality is that everything is energy. From this perspective, you can see how many different paths can lead to a similar or favourable outcome, which is a clean, open energy. A nothingness. An emptiness. A consciousness beyond negative emotion and mind. A vibrant energy in the now.

The athlete can achieve it through constant self-discipline, training, and the cultivation of a healthy mindset: “Being in the zone”. The artist can achieve it through being dedicated to their craft and by being open, receptive and creative. The brick layer can achieve it by deciding never to bitch and complain, to stay focussed in the now and embrace hard work and dedication. The drunk can achieve it by obliterating the conscious mind and accessing the sub-conscious through intoxication (not recommended, haha). Religions can achieve it by focussing on faith and the discipline of being a good person. There are many ways.

Here are some key principles I would recommend:

• Silence Connection is about aligning to your higher self. The higher self vibrates beyond ego. Beyond the endless chatter of the mind and the rollercoaster of negative emotions. Silence your mind and emotions and you’re on your way.

• Self-discipline The more self-discipline you have the more you can instruct yourself as to what to do and not do. This means a greater ability to silence your mind and emotions, and handle life in a good way.

• Virtue The higher self operates beyond negativity. What does that mean? That means it handles and responds to things with virtue. If you handle and respond to things with virtue, then you are aligning yourself with your higher self as well as creating a quality reality.

So that is the end of this series, I hope you enjoyed it. There are many ways. Deep wisdom, is to understand all ways. Deep wisdom, brings deep inner peace.

About the author

10+ years in the metaphysical trenches.
Human Development and Human Liberation.