Moving Beyond The System

Merry Christmas everyone. Recently on Instagram I did a nice little series called ‘Moving Beyond The System’. Nothing better than moving into the deep, when much of the world gravitates toward the shallow during this time. It’s a 6 part series that I’ve copied and pasted for your reading pleasure. First of all though, I’ll start off with a short snippet on ‘What Is The System’. Enjoy.

What Is The System?

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret that, well let’s be honest, pretty much everybody knows is true to some extent or another. And that is, that this concept of ‘the system’ is very, very real.

What is the system? The system is basically an energetic and physical manifestation of a certain way of being. A way based on rules, regulations, restrictions and limitations. A way based on degradation and control. A way based on keeping humanity disconnected from true wisdom, and from connection with the earth, with life, and with other humans.

It is physically manifested in the endless bodies of authority: governments, corporations, law enforcement figures, schooling systems, local councils etc etc constantly harassing you to follow their agendas. And it is energetically manifested in the beliefs, opinions, negative emotions and feelings of people – society’s opinions and beliefs on how one should live and what one should do in life… which is manifested in people around you, but also within the subconscious of your own mind. Why do you think it’s so hard to follow your heart and do what you want to do in life? Because you can feel the push and pressure of society’s views within your own being.

In general, the system is mostly people pressuring each other into following prescribed paths in life that are deemed acceptable. The paths that are deemed acceptable are the paths that contribute to keeping the machine alive. Paths that drive the machine harder than others are granted more status, respect, and money. Following your heart often requires large amounts of courage because the paths of the machine are mainly heartless. Misery loves company. They don’t want you feeling those freedom vibes. And actually, they are terrified.

The system is occurring when a cold-hearted father degrades his son for his interest in dance. The system is occurring when your ‘friend’ manipulates you with doubt when you’re on the verge of seizing an opportunity. The system is occurring when an individual’s career is being chosen for them by the covert pressure of family or friends.

Now of course, things are never so black and white, good and bad. There is also much good in the world. Just because someone is a lawyer, or a government official, doesn’t mean they are puppets of the system. Life is mystical. Things need to be read on a situational basis. But there is a hidden influence in life that doesn’t necessarily have your best interest at heart. And it is wise to take notice, so you can see it, and avoid its influence.

The good news? The individual is powerful and you may not be able to change the world but you can definitely change your life. You can definitely reach solid levels of freedom, happiness and satisfaction. But it’ll take work, courage and plenty of dedication.

1. Disengaging From Conflict

Alright so the first thing you want to consider if you want to move yourself beyond the system is: Disengaging From Conflict.

The system is unfair. The system is unjust. It is a strange occurrence. But getting angry about it and trying to fight it directly won’t get you very far. Anger is a degradation of your energy. A weakening. Some people are good at wielding anger and using it to propel themselves along but if you’re interested in freedom, happiness, and the good things in life then obviously this is the equivalent of digging your own grave.

Another way is to accept the system as it is. Accept the way everything is, and instead turn around and work on yourself. For some this may come naturally, for others it may not, but at the end of the day, you as an individual have the power and wherewithal to re-write your life… to re-create your own world so to speak.

Disengaging from conflict loosens your energy from the outer chaos and allows you to inject that energy back into your life. Silence, calm, acceptance. This is the way. Don’t get triggered into conflict. Don’t get sucked into conflict. Develop yourself and your life instead.

2. Developing Yourself

Once you begin to reach acceptance of the system and disengage from conflict you will start to have more space, time, and energy to focus on actually developing yourself and your life. To move beyond the system, you have to evolve.

The system tries to program you into disempowerment and inadequacy. It then tries to teach you all the things that you “need” in order to gain empowerment: titles, cars, fame, fancy things, perfect beauty, money etc etc. The influence is everywhere. In order to move yourself beyond the system, you have to be able to stand your ground against this influence. Not challenging it. Not engaging in conflict with it. Just not allowing its programming to affect your psychology and your energy. You do this by developing yourself.

The more courage you develop, the less you will be able to be manipulated by the system. The more self-belief you develop, the less you will be able to be manipulated by the system. The more self-acceptance you develop, the less you will be able to be manipulated by the system. And so on, and so forth.

Every moment of every day is an opportunity to develop these traits. Every negative emotion, feeling, and pattern of thought is an opportunity to understand and develop the countering positive traits you need in order to grow and develop.

The more you develop these positive traits, the less influence the system will have on you. The less influence the system has on you, the more freedom you will feel in the moment. The more freedom you feel in the moment, the more you will be able to follow your own path in life… a path that is right, for you.

3. Filtering Out The Agents

So, moving along now. In order to effectively move beyond the system, you’ve got to start looking at Filtering Out The Agents. These are the people who have an assertive negative influence on your life whether it be overt or covert, passive or active.

Often they are people who are very close-minded and are basically just puppeting the beliefs of the system. The key to this is looking at how certain people make you feel. How do they effect you? How do they effect your mindset and your energy? Do they leave you feeling calm and clear? Energized and inspired? Do you feel free to be yourself and live life the way you want to? Or do they leave you feeling drained? Disempowered? Inadequate? Restricted?

Obviously nobody’s perfect but overall, what is their effect? The more agents you filter out the better. I can’t emphasize this point enough, as it can truly skyrocket your happiness levels into the f*cking cosmos. Haha.

You can also apply this filtering out method to all the toxic influences in your life. Less T.V. Less News. Less Junk Food etc etc. Each change you make helps and contributes to your overall sense of well-being in the now.

4. Making Smooth Money

So, one thing an individual must come to terms with in this life is money. You need money in order to survive… that is fact. Money is not evil, money is neutral. But how you make money and the type of person you become in the making of your money should be considered.

The making of money is a pretty broad topic, and there are many variables and situations requiring different and varied solutions. And of course there are times when one must work extremely hard for an extended period of time, that is a given, but one thing that causes people a whole lot of pain and dissatisfaction is the making of “rough” money over very long periods of time with no plans of evolving into a smoother situation.

By “rough” money I mean jobs that require you to undergo a lot of stress and be in stressful situations and environments constantly, often without even being reimbursed in equal parts to the time and energy put in.

Another option that is conducive to a liberated lifestyle is making “smooth” money. By that I mean making money in a way that allows you to maintain good levels of calmness throughout the day. A way that allows you to tap into positive feelings as you go throughout your work day.

The keys to making that happen are 1: being self-disciplined and actively maintaining your composure and positivity through the day regardless of external circumstances. And 2: Choosing work that is in line with your skills, your likes, your personal needs, and your natural way.

Making smooth money allows you to get in and out undisturbed. It allows you to continue to develop and grow and it allows you to enjoy and participate in life on a deeper, more continuous level.

5. Developing Respect

At the end of the day, the way of life that mainstream society is entranced by, aka the system, is a way of degradation, restriction, and control. Let’s look at the degradation aspect.

The fact that humanity is following a path of degradation may not be obvious at first, but once you see it, it is blatantly obvious. It’s simply a matter of perception. Imagine for a moment, if you will, the beauty of an orange infused, sunset lit, velvety dusk sky.. the sensations of which just permeate your senses with awe… Or take a star-studded clear night sky… Or a full blown uninhibited joy-filled human smile. Now look at the way of life humans have created. No, I’m not talking about all the “normal” “successful” people on late night shows or your morning T.V. I’m talking about when you walk the streets. I’m talking about real life. The system degrades human life. The system degrades the planet. The system degrades animals. The antidote to this is respect.

Respect people. Respect the planet and the animals. Respect life. Maintain respect regardless of what life throws at you. It may not make sense logically to maintain respect for someone who is hating on you, but on an energy level it makes perfect sense. All you are doing is not allowing them to infiltrate your field of respect, with hate. All you are doing is keeping their hate, at bay.

Developing a deep respect will help stabilize your life. It will help bring order and harmony into your life, and it can greatly help you counter the degradation imposed by the system.

6. Developing A Liberated Life

FREEEEEEEEDDOOOOOOMMM!!!!! Alrighty then so if you want a liberated life well you’re gonna have to develop it. There are many pieces to the puzzle called ‘A Liberated Life’.

For example health. Obviously to feel good about your life you’re going to have to have reasonable levels of health and a relatively pain-free functional body. It helps. If you want to be free you’re going to have to have your finances in order. At least to where your income outweighs your expenses. You’re going to have to have quality people around you. More rainbows and less drainbows etc etc.

But the number one thing that contributes to your freedom, to your ‘being beyond the system’, is the state of your energy and inner feelings in the now. It’s the inner game that counts the most.

The system controls human behaviour. It tries to keep everybody in the machine (Note the word ‘tries’). How does it do that? Obviously there are overt physical rules, regulations and laws which are enforced by authoritative bodies, that’s ok, but the main way it does this is through programming. By programming people with certain beliefs, opinions, views and inner attitudes.

We are all born through the system so we all have stuff to work on. Your job is to de-program your own programming. Every limiting program you neutralize within gives you a burst of energy. It liberates your psychology and energy and allows you to live more freely, as well as manifest a better quality life.

You want to start observing your inner life and seeing what stuff disempowers you. Seeing it is half the win, because a lot of these negative programs only run because they are hidden from us. Once spotted they lose their power. The more programs you neutralize the more you start to settle into a continuous positive state. The more programs you neutralize the more your ego starts to return to silence. And silence is one of the keys to everything.

So, hope you enjoyed that series. Remember, we as individuals have the power and wherewithal to re-write our lives, to correct all dysfunctions and bring peace and harmony to our own experiences of life. For more info, check out my free E-Book downloadable on this website. Cheers.

About the author

10+ years in the metaphysical trenches.
Human Development and Human Liberation.