The Steps To Freedom

I recently wrote a pretty cool series on my Instagram page (liberate.evolve) called “The Steps To Freedom”. I thought I’d put it together into one article here for you guys. Each step is like a chapter in and of itself and maybe even a book, so it’s not comprehensive, but it’s nice to get an overall snapshot of some of the elements involved in becoming more free. So without further ado, here we go:

Step 1 – Getting A Taste Of The Beyond.

If you want to be truly free in this lifetime, one of the most powerful things you can do is get a taste of the beyond that exists inside of you, within your own being. The fact of the matter is that as a human being you have the ability to access an inner energy within you that is mystical and transcendental. It is mystical in the sense that it doesn’t necessarily follow the laws of logic and the intellectual mind. It is transcendental in the sense that when you touch it, your problems, your worries, your fears, and your doubts can be transcended, easily. Instantaneously.

When you get a taste of this energy within you, it’s a gamechanger in the most positive sense. Because all of a sudden, the grip of materialism is severely loosened. The grip of societies endless search for status, power and money is severely loosened. Because you realize that within you is the thing that you’ve been searching for. It’s the thing that everyone is searching for in a way. For what is everyone doing, if not trying to get away from the negative? What is everyone doing, if not trying to experience life in a more positive way?

And that’s what this inner energy offers: neutralization of the negative, and connection to the positive. As well as understanding, perspective, vitality and more.

So, if you want to be truly free what is more liberating than being able to touch freedom at any moment, at any time regardless of whatever situation you are in? What is more liberating than knowing you can touch freedom at any time, at any moment regardless of what the future holds?

And yes, it must be said that reclaiming this inner connection can be a long and arduous journey. But if you understand that having this connection is your natural and normal birthright as a human being, and if you understand that you have only been removed from this connection by the egotistical and ignorant ways of modern man, of which we are all to blame, then what else is there to do but to reclaim this connection? And then if you realize that every single step you take toward reclaiming this connection is more liberating and empowering than the step before, then who cares how long it takes? Who cares how arduous the journey may be?

If you want to be free, you might as well get to know your biggest ally, the energy within.

Step 2 – Developing Your Self-Discipline

To reclaim your connection to your biggest ally, the infinite energy within, takes silence. The energy is within you but it is operating at a certain frequency. The door to that frequency is silence. To reach silence you must still your mind, and calm your emotions. You must enter the now.

Doing that takes self-discipline, because in general we are not raised to understand silence. We are not raised to understand the power in the now. The mind churns on and on… on and on… and people dwell on negative emotions, making it a part of their identity.

As I said in my previous post, if you are new to metaphysics, the best thing you can do is get a taste of the beyond. The best way to do that is probably through a meditation of some sort. Some sort of internal practice that quietens the mind and the emotions. There’s breathing techniques, observation techniques, concentration techniques and so on. Do a search on google and see what peaks your interest. Seek, and you will find.

When you find a meditation technique you like, do it. To do it, takes discipline, because the ego doesn’t want to be quietened. It wants to live on. And if you happen to find that there is something deeper within you, it takes discipline to keep touching that space, to keep that flame alive so to speak.

And then when it comes to life, self-discipline is also crucial. There are passages and phases of life that require great tenacity, great focus, great dedication. Being self-disciplined gives you the wherewithal to get through those phases. To make things happen as well as to live life to the fullest. So self-discipline is your friend. It is your friend, my friend. Believe me.

Step 3 – Armouring Yourself With Virtue

Once you get a taste of the beyond, or even before you get a taste of the beyond, you can start armouring yourself with virtue. If it was 500AD and we lived in the mountains and everything was fine and dandy, maybe you could get away with just meditating and living an aware life but in this modern day and age there’s too much restriction, too much stress, too much friction. You need to develop your character. You need to develop your virtue as a response to the intensity of modern living.

Too much fear? Develop courage. Too much anger? Develop acceptance and tolerance. Too much insecurity? Develop self-belief and self-acceptance. Can’t do any of these things? Develop self-discipline. Everything is energy, and energy is not solid. So anger is not solid, it’s changeable. Fear is not solid, it’s changeable. Insecurity is not solid, it’s changeable. Yeah but, yeah but. Blame is not solid, it’s changeable. Victim consciousness is not solid, it’s changeable. Know what I mean?

So the next step in developing freedom is to develop your virtue. Essentially developing virtue is like developing armor. The more you develop it, the less you are affected by the hits of the world. The less you are affected by the hits of the world, the more you can cruise around in happy mode a.k.a freedom. So, virtue my friend, virtue. Develop it.

Step 4 – Understanding And Transforming The Negative

Alright, so the next step: understanding and transforming the negative. Crucial. The way modern life is set up, enlightenment is almost “how skilled are you at understanding, handling, and transforming negative energy?” How good are you at dealing with your own fears, insecurities, anger, limiting beliefs, dysfunctions, perversions, self doubt, self hate etc etc? How good are you at handling situations where anger, fear, doubt, non-acceptance, manipulation, unfairness, and arseholicness etc etc are projected at you?

Understanding the root causes of these negative attitudes dissipates their power and understanding how to transform these attitudes back into something healthy gives you longevity. It gives you confidence. It gives you contentment.

The more you work with transforming these feelings within you back to neutrality and positivity, the more you start to see the illusory nature of these feelings. One moment there is fear and all hope is lost, the next moment there is fearlessness and suddenly everything is going to be fine. One moment your are filled with anger and think there is no way you will ever return to peace unless you unload it on someone, the next, or, well let’s say several moments later haha, suddenly anger has lost it’s grip and you’re back baby, back in business.

Some may think they are too ‘pure’ to consider the negative aspect of life but I’m talking about reality. I’m talking about a philosophy that works in the real world. In the modern world. Accepting, understanding, and transforming the negative leads to deeper liberation. It leads to deeper wisdom.

Step 5 – Getting Grounded In Your Heart

A major part of freedom is learning to silence the mind. Why? Because the mind is often to restrictive, too repetative, too limiting, too disconnected. The more you silence your mind, the more you can open up to your heart. The heart is open, generous, and warm.

Being centred in your heart is one of the strongest stances you can take in my experience. It can get you through the real hard stuff. Heart = Stability. Heart = Openness. Heart = Freedom.

Having more heart in your life opens the doors to the colours of life. To the joy. The magic. The mystical. It allows you to be more generous, gregarious, forgiving, and compassionate. It allows you to be more real.

Things of the heart last… they give back. The more heart you have, the more you follow paths with heart, the more meaning and reason to live you will have.

Step 6 – Putting The Pieces Of The Puzzle Together

As you silence your mind and align to your heart you can start to become more clearly in touch with your intuition. Intuition is the ability to read the information of your life with your feelings. The more you use your intuition the stronger it gets.

Things aren’t always as they seem . The mind is easily fooled. In order to solidify your freedom you need to use your intuition and common sense to put the pieces of the puzzle together. The puzzle called “My Liberated Life.”

You need different pieces for different things. There’s metaphysical pieces of the puzzle. Chunks of wisdom that cause shifts and liberate your consciousness. There’s psychological pieces to the puzzle. Little pieces that allow you to overcome mental blocks and barriers. There’s pieces you need for your health. For your social life. For your finances. For your sexuality. Relationships etc etc. True freedom is mainly an inner game but there are outer aspects to it too.

You see, freedom is a journey. A growing. An unfolding into more and more liberating situations and inner states of being. Eventually you move into a liberating state of continuous intuitive flow. Living life. Enjoying life. Serving. Learning etc etc.

Make no mistake, the magic of creation didn’t come together so we could live lives of quiet desperation. Lives that cause pain, suffering, disconnection and degradation. And for what? Corporate profits? To keep mummy and daddy happy? To look “successful” in the eyes of our peers? Of our neighbors? Of people we don’t even know? Fuck that shit. Your life is your own. Live it your way. Live with wisdom. Be brave till the end, and then some.

So there we have it. I hope you enjoyed the article. You can check out my Instagram liberate.evolve for nuggets of information not available on the website and if you like this stuff be sure to check out my free E-Book, you can find that on the home page. Ok, bye for now.

About the author

10+ years in the metaphysical trenches.
Human Development and Human Liberation.