The Good Fight

This week’s topic is the idea of fighting the good fight. I’ve mentioned it before but I’ll mention it again because understanding this concept is crucial when it comes to self-care and longevity in this long journey called life.

I know some people may think that fighting has absolutely no place within the philosophy of love and living with kindness but bear with me for a minute. They say love and hate are two sides of the same coin and I understand what they mean by that. And if you look at the tenderness of love and then look at the harshness and brutality of the world maybe you can see that love needs a little bit of help in this world if it ought to survive. A love that takes endless hit’s for no reason at all may turn bitter. We don’t want that. So give your love a chance and open up to the idea of fighting the good fight.

Now by fighting I don’t mean arguing with people and engaging in conflict, obviously that’s not very loving. I’m talking about an inner fight to not give in to the negative in order to allow yourself to engage with the world with kindness. With naturalness. I’m talking about an inner fight to not give in to the negative in order to look after the quality of your soul and the quality of your life. I’m talking about an inner fight to make sure you are living with vibrancy, zest, and meaning. I’m talking about in inner fight to make sure you never lose heart along your own journey, no matter what may happen to you. I’m talking about an inner fight that takes place at the crossroads of love and hate.

So don’t accept fear. Fight the urge to be fearful.

Don’t accept disempowerment. Fight to believe in yourself and in your capabilities.

Don’t accept limitation. Fight to believe that it is your life and that you can decide what to do with it, not others.

It goes like this. You don’t have to be a lion, but everyone needs to know how to stand their ground a bit in this life. It’s an important life lesson. I’ll finish this week’s post with a quote, it’s a bit lengthy, but has some informational gold so, I hope you enjoy. Take care and until next time.

P.S. Excuse the gentleman’s omission of women. I hope you get the idea though.

To fight the good fight is one of the bravest and noblest of life’s experiences. Not the bloodshed and the battle of man with man, but the grappling with mental and spiritual adversaries that determines the inner caliber of the contestant. It is the quality of the struggle put forth by a man that proclaims to the world what manner of man he is far more than may be by the termination of the battle.

It matters not nearly so much to a man that he succeeds in winning some long-sought prize as it does that he has worked for it honestly and unfalteringly with all the force and energy there is in him. It is in the effort that the soul grows and asserts itself to the fullest extent of its possibilities, and he that has worked will, persevering in the face of all opposition and apparent failure, fairly and squarely endeavoring to perform his part to the utmost extent of his capabilities, may well look back upon his labor regardless of any seeming defeat in it’s result and say, “I have fought a good fight.”

As you throw the weight of your influence on the side of the good, the true and the beautiful, your life will achieve an endless splendor. It will continue in the lives of others, higher, finer, nobler than you can even contemplate.

Hugh B. Brown

About the author

10+ years in the metaphysical trenches.
Human Development and Human Liberation.