The Natural Self

In order to evolve in this lifetime and move into greater levels of liberation, one of the most powerful things you can do is return to your natural self. It is to rediscover and empower the real you and to understand the true depths of your own nature.

I think it’s becoming more and more common knowledge that things ain’t right with the world we live in. We aren’t necessarily born into a place of freedom and beauty. There’s a lot of overt suffering in the world, and then there’s a hell of a lot of silent suffering in the world too. People who are over working for the machine, yet cannot really say or do anthing about it. Whether intentional or not, we are born into a world that hammers us into various dysfunctions. Victim consciousness, consumerism, materialism, ”success”, elitism etc.. We aren’t given the proper keys to flourish and reach our true potential.

When the time is right, it is our responsibility to step up and start repairing ourselves. Unprogramming the programming. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so the saying goes. Understanding and developing ourselves, our true nature, and understanding how we connect with life and the world around us, is the path toward liberation. It is one of the very first steps. Know thyself.

About the author

10+ years in the metaphysical trenches.
Human Development and Human Liberation.