The Master Cleanse

The modern world we are living in is filled with endless stress and problems.  Yes there is beauty as well, and that’s cool, but it’s good to accept the reality of things, coz then you can do something about it.  Self-healing and self-purification is really an on going, continual process especially if you are quite deep into the ‘9 – 5, Monday to Friday’ of it all.

The master cleanse or lemon water fast, is one of the best tools I’ve come across to pick your energy levels up and bring you to a new state of vitality and clarity.  It’s like the reset button or that function on your computer that takes you back to before you had all these problems. 

It involves drinking a lemon water drink made of lemon juice (2 tablespoons), real maple syrup (2 tablespoons), cayenne pepper (approx. 1/10th of a teaspoon), and purified/filtered water for a minimum of 6 times a day, with plenty of good water throughout the day.  Also you’re supposed to take a laxative tea at night before bed.    There are a few variations of it that exist, for example officially, I think your supposed to do a salt water flush in the morning (which I don’t do), but thats the main gist of it. 

So the proper Master Cleanse is a 10 day cleanse with a 2 day ‘cooling off’ period before returning to solid food.  And as I said before, it is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.  It is a detox so you can definitely go through some pain before you get to the good stuff but once you do, it is well worth it.  It’s like, problems = gone, life = open, me = free. 

Mostly I do shorter versions of it anywhere between 3 – 7 days, that is normally enough for me and it’s also easier to manage with work and family and all.

So check it out if you want, obviously it’s your responsibilty what you decide to do with your health but it has definitely helped me.

About the author

10+ years in the metaphysical trenches.
Human Development and Human Liberation.